Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years At The Cabin

Mary and I spent the weekend at the cabin with Jason and Martha and the boys and Mary's Mom and Dad. Jacob liked riding in the big tractor with his Papa.

We finally had enough snow to get the sleigh out .

Jacob went ice skating for the first time.

Just sitting on the hay with Quincy.

Grandma taking the kids for a ride in the Rhino.

Lots of snow in the woods. I plowed a trail for the sleigh ride.

We ate a lot of good meals.

Friday night the Kidder's came over for dinner


Meeuwsens said...

No wonder Jason and Martha didn't return our calls! At least they were actually doing something and not ignoring us! Great pics...looks like you guys had fun.

Ashley said...

Looks like you guys have been busy!