Sunday, September 28, 2008

Back to Iowa

Jason and I headed back to Iowa on Thursday to finish up getting the blinds ready for the Iowa deer season.

Here is the work site. We had to put 8 foot legs on three of the blinds.

Here is what they look like after we placed them into position.

We also placed some ground blinds out. This one is on a power line. We mowed it so we would have a better view. You can see the blind in the center of the picture along the tree line.

We also were anxious to see what we had on the trail cameras that I put out 4 weeks ago.
As you can see we were not dissapointed!

Nice Iowa buck, heavy and high!

Coyotes looking for a meal.

Also a Bobcat on the prowl.

Another nice Buck!


GITTYUP said...

Wow! Love the bobcat picture. Looks like you should have a really good time. It's kind of dangerous posting these awesome pics because I am expecting a really successful season from you guys! Pressure is on! :0)

Anonymous said...

Keith nice pics. Looks like you and Jason got a lot done. I'm sorry that I missed out on all the fun. I'm excited to go there this fall.